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Hermione Jane Granger
Age: 17. Born on September 19, 1979.
House: Gryffindor

Distinguishing Characteristics: Bushy brown hair, which can only be controlled with vast amounts of Sleekeazy’s Hair Potion. Up until her fourth year, she had large front teeth, but these were reduced to normal size following an accident with a Densaugeo spell.

Heritage: Muggle-born

Family: Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Granger, both Muggle dentists. There is some debate as to whether she has a younger sister or not. JK has said she would have liked to have written one but never got round to it; we take this to mean the sister does not exist, and Hermione is an only child.

First Mention: Chapter six of Sorcerer's Stone/The Philosopher’s Stone.

General: Hermione was born in 1979, the only child of a perfectly normal Muggle family. It is safe to assume that she attended an ordinary primary school with the rest of the Muggle population until she received a letter inviting her to attend Hogwarts. A number of things can be inferred from this.

Firstly, it is clear that today's Muggles don't necessarily harbor anti-witchcraft feelings (at least not all of today's Muggles, anyway). Despite the fact that modern-day wizards still feel the need to distance themselves from the Muggle population and keep themselves secret, it seems that many Muggles are still open-minded enough to accept ideas of wizardry.

Secondly, it may appear at first glance that the Hogwarts authorities are none too careful about protecting the secrecy of their operation and of wizardry in general. After all, Hermione speaks or her great surprise (and delight) when the letter from Hogwarts arrived, and so for her at least it came totally out of the blue. Such a letter only has to fall into the hands of someone less open-minded for the whole wizarding world to be exposed in an instant. Bearing this in mind, it is likely that representatives from Hogwarts had made tentative contact with the Granger family when Hermione's potential magical ability first became apparent, even though this was kept from Hermione herself.

This is lent credence by the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Granger were quite happy to send their young daughter off to a boarding school in the wilds of Scotland without any concern, which they would never have done if the invitation to attend had been as much of a surprise for them as it had been for Hermione. Presumably then, they made preparations for her next school to be Hogwarts while still keeping it as a surprise for Hermione.

Following her arrival at the school, it quickly became clear that she was the cleverest girl in her year. Not only did she know the answer to every question asked by every teacher, she had memorized the contents of every book on the reading list before the start of term--and wasn't afraid to tell everyone else about it. She therefore started off her school career as an intensely irritating know-it-all, even going as far as standing up in lessons to indicate what answers she knew when putting her hand up didn't seem to be enough. Professor Snape was not amused.

Naturally enough, this made her somewhere equal in popularity amongst the students to Filch the caretaker. It seems that she knew and cared about her reputation, and wished that she had some friends, but at the same time wasn't able to curb her natural instinct to be best all the time. When she overheard Ron Weasley insulting her after she'd been particularly smug during a Charms class, she was very upset and spent the rest of the day in the toilets, crying. This was particularly unfortunate for her, as this was Halloween 1991, the day that Professor Quirrell decided to let a troll into the school.

Harry and Ron--in an attempt to rescue her--instead accidentally ended up locking the troll in the toilets with her. They had no choice but to then go in and take the monster on, and through a special mix of luck and stupidity, they actually knocked it out cold. Hermione lied to Professor McGonagall to cover their tracks, and in doing so, finally gained her first friends.

This turn of events caused her to calm down a little bit, although she was still essentially the same old Hermione. Still keen to prove how much she knew, she at least curbed her instincts for telling off anybody who broke a school rule before even the teachers had a chance, and also turned her talents to helping her less able colleagues.

And so, after a dodgy start, she had finally managed to integrate herself into school life and became a popular--if still occasionally irritating--pupil, while still of course being top of the class at everything. This fact, given that she's Muggle-born, became of great annoyance to pure-blood enthusiasts like Draco Malfoy, but after six years, even he is coming to realize there's not much he can do about it.

By the end of her sixth year, Hermione was a mature, friendly, helpful and sensible girl, although one with a barely-suppressed bossy streak and an occasional zeal for inappropriate missions to help those who don't want helping (anybody care for a SPEW badge?). She even attracted the attentions of Viktor Krum in her fourth year despite his being several years older than her. Krum was particularly keen on Hermione, but although he got as far as sharing a kiss with her, their relationship was brief due to the fact that he had to return to Durmstrang following the end of the Triwizard Tournament.

Hermione has retained a soft spot for Viktor as a friend ever since, still keeping in touch with him as a pen friend. Her true affections, however, have always lain with Ron Weasley. As a sensible girl who was mature enough to recognize her emotions, she first acknowledged her attraction to him during her third year, although she knew at this stage that Ron was far from being mature enough to even notice her. By their fourth year (her relationship with Krum notwithstanding), even Ron couldn't help but notice that something was in the air, but as he still was not ready to return romantic feelings, he instead used schoolboy bluster to avoid the issue. Hermione was expecting something more by this stage, and Ron's attitude caused her continual frustration. "Ron," she was heard to remark at the time, "you are the most insensitive wart I have ever had the misfortune to meet."

Another year brought little improvement, and by their sixth year, while Ron was at least recognizing his own feelings for Hermione, he was still avoiding doing anything about it. In fact, when he found out the truth about Hermione and Krum's relationship, he was annoyed enough to take the easy option and embark on a wild fling with Lavender Brown in response. It was only when this relationship reached its inevitable collapse that Ron and Hermione at last allowed each other close enough for the possibility of a romantic relationship.

Hermione's relationship with Harry, on the other hand, has always been much more stable. Their friendship has blossomed following its difficult beginning, and she has stayed (along with Ron) in her position as Harry's most trusted confidante throughout their school lives. Professor Dumbledore even went as far as to allow Harry to tell both Ron and Hermione about the full prophecy and its implications in order to relieve his burden, and following the headmaster's death, Hermione is now one of only three people alive to know the full truth.

Perhaps as a result of her Muggle upbringing, Hermione has a very logical approach to magic, regarding it as a science rather than an art. No doubt those born to wizarding families and having been surrounded by magic all their lives use a liberal dose of instinct and feel when spellcasting. The need for this is very clear in the requirements for the Patronus Charm, for example, where a channeling of happy thoughts is vital to the spell's success. Despite her encyclopedic knowledge of the theory and her success in exams, these are the elements that Hermione struggles most with. She actually regards Harry as a more naturally talented wizard than herself (due to his innate affinity for magic) while she's had to learn it all by numbers--hence her suggestion that it is Harry rather than herself who should head Dumbledore's Army and teach Defense Against the Dark Arts to the other students in their fifth year.

Despite this, there can be no doubt that she is an exceptionally gifted witch, a fact which was reflected in her passing eleven OWLs, achieving the grade of "Outstanding" in ten of them. This is made all the more remarkable by the fact that she studied only ten subjects, presumably taking the Muggle Studies exam and passing with top marks despite dropping the subject at the end of her third year. She elected to take seven NEWTs in her sixth year, although following the murder of Professor Dumbledore, it remains to be seen whether she will actually get to take these exams.

Even Hermione's choice of pet--the half-cat, half-Kneazle cross-breed Crookshanks--seems to reflect her personality. Crookshanks, too, is clever, logical, and has a dash of Gryffindor courage, as he showed when defending Sirius Black in the Shrieking Shack. As the fight against Voldemort goes on, with Hermione inevitably involved, these traits will stand her in good stead, and she will need all the talent and quick-thinking she can muster. At the end of her sixth year, with Dumbledore's tragic death weighing heavily on everyone's hearts, she (along with Ron) made a promise that she would help Harry in his quest to defeat the Dark Lord rather than return to school to finish her education. Harry has no intention of allowing her to keep that promise, but Hermione is not the sort of girl to be dissuaded. It seems that her next year, whatever Harry intends, is likely to involve far more danger and a lot less classroom learning than she is used to.

Source: mugglenet.com
Written by Andy

Another biography


Hermione Jane Granger was born September 19, 1979. She is a student at Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the house of Gryffindor. She is a good friend of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, and she is also friends with Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley’s younger sister. She is portrayed by Emma Watson in the films.


Hermione is the mother hen of Harry and Ron, who along with Hermione form what is often called the Trio. As the brains of the Trio (and Harry and Ron will always be quick to point out to Hermione how smart she is), it is her that most often comes up with the plans. Hermione has been called the brightest witch of her age by Professor Lupin, and her OWL scores, all Outstanding except for Defense Against the Dark Arts, in which she earned an Exceeds Expectations, would seem to confirm this. She is incredibly studious, having once taken so many classes that she need to use a Time-Turner just to be able to take all of them and keep up with them all. Harry and Ron often turn to her for “help” with their homework, which often results in Hermione just finishing their homework for them. She has read Hogwarts, A History multiple times, and as she is the only member of the Trio that has read it, will often quote the book whenever Harry or Ron has a question about Hogwarts. She is such a lover of homework that she will often go the extra mile, turning in 10 inches of parchment for an essay instead of 5 inches like the original assignment called for. Her dedication to her studies often reflects her own personal insecurity, often leading to irrational panic and anxiety.


Hermione is Muggle-born, or born to two Muggles. They are both dentists, and are both confused about her, but proud of her. It is considered canon that Hermione is an only child.

Hermione has brown eyes and, initially, “lots of bushy brown hair and rather large front teeth." Many at school, even Professor Snape, have teased her about her looks. In Goblet of Fire, Hermione has her teeth magically shrunk to a normal size, although her parents still want her to continue with her braces. When, in the same book, she applies hair potion to her hair and gets all dressed up for the Yule Ball, even Harry and Ron admit she looks pretty.

Hermione is pronounced “Her-MY-oh-nee” in the books, but “Her-MY-nee” in the movies. Her name comes from Shakespeare’s The Winter Tale. J.K. Rowling picked that name because it was unusual, so that if fewer girls shared her name, fewer girls would be teased about it. Hermione is derived from Hermes, the Greek god of invention, inspiration, eloquence, and quick thinking, an appropriate name for Hermione. Hermione is also the name of Helen of Troy’s daughter from Greek mythology.

Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone:

Hermione is introduced in this book. For the first half of the book, she is seen as a "know-it-all" and a "goody-two-shoes", causing Harry and Ron to not like her very much, as they see her as annoying and thinking she is smarter than the rest of them (which is true) and she is just rubbing it in, an attitude most of the rest of the students agree with. However, after Ron makes a rude remark about Hermione not having any friends and Hermione overhears this, she goes off into the bathroom to cry, and as a result, is put in danger when a troll released later that night by Professor Quirrell goes into the girl's bathroom. Harry convinces Ron to look for Hermione and ends up saving her from the troll. Ron feels ashamed, knowing if he hadn't made the remark, Hermione wouldn't have been crying in the bathroom. When they are caught by Professors McGonagall, Snape, and Quirrell, Hermione covers for them, saying it was her fault because she went looking for the troll, believing she could beat it because of her knowledge, and says if they hadn't come after her, she'd probably be dead. In doing this, she saves the boys from punishment and shows them her inner spirit of rebellion and self-sacrifice. The boys are impressed with her, and become friends, for after all "There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them."

Hermione's attitude about rules and schoolwork remain the same for the most part, but she does lighten up a little on Harry and Ron after becoming friends with them. She helps them solve the mystery of the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone. At first, she is skeptical at best that someone is trying to steal it, but eventually she comes around. She shows her willingness to break rules when she petrifies Neville when they are leaving for the third floor corridor to rescue the Stone from Snape, as at the time they believed he was the one attempting to retrieve it. Her "cool use of logic" comes in handy when she and Harry come across a riddle with potions in which they must identify two potions which will help them. Harry believes it's hopeless to solve it, but after much thought, Hermione is able to solve it, an accomplishment that awes Harry.

Chamber of Secrets:

Hermione in her second year develops a crush on the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Gilderoy Lockhart, something she shares with many of the other young witches at Hogwarts. She is teased about this by Ron, and defends Lockhart. It is obvious the crush is rather large, as she blushes every time Ron mentions Lockhart's name to her, and she passes Gilderoy's quiz on himself with flying colors.

Hermione in the second book is in a bit smaller role, as most of Harry's adventure is with Ron. She does, however, find the Polyjuice Potion, a very complex potion, which she brews for the three of them, allowing to look like Slytherins and question Malfoy about the Chamber of Secrets, although she shows even she is fallible when her potion turns her into a cat instead of Millicent Bulstrode when she accidentally puts in a hair from Millicent's cat. Hermione also learns the creature in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk, although she is petrified before she can reveal this to Harry and Ron. Her presence is missed, as Ron comments, "Where's Hermione when you need her?" when he and Harry are surrounded by acromantula, or large spiders, while Hermione is petrified.

Hermione continues to loosen up in the second book, actually convincing the boys to break rules instead of vice-versa. She also most likely becomes friends with Ginny Weasley, Ron's younger sister, in this book.

Prisoner of Azkaban:

Hermione in the third book continues to show her academic brilliance, taking so many classes that she requires a Time Turner to take them all, which allows her to go back in time to take all her classes, as many classes are scheduled for the same time. She keeps this a secret from Harry and Ron. She suffers a nervous breakdown from having an exhaustive schedule, however she continues to exist she can handle it all and refuses to drop any classes.

Hermione becomes a little estranged from her friends in this book; first from her many classes, often shunning herself away at tables in the far corners with books spread everywhere; then later when she becomes highly suspicious (and rather ironically ends up being right) about Harry's new Christmas present, a Firebolt broom, over the anonymity of the giver, and reports it to Professor McGonagall, who confiscates it from Harry in order to examine it; and still later when Ron accuses her new cat Crookshanks of eating his pet rat Scabbers (which in hindsight, wouldn't have been a bad thing, considering it was really an Animagus named Peter Pettigrew who had been responsible for the death of Harry's parents and was the reason why Sirius Black was in Azkaban). Hermione does, however, help Hagrid prepare for the court case against his hippogriff Buckbeak. While preparing for the trial, she breaks down to Ron and they make up and he pledges to work harder to get ready for the trial.

Hermione takes an immediate dislike to Professor Trelawney and her class Divination. Ron teases her that it's because it's the first time a teacher has told her she's not good at something. Hermione finally has enough and storms out of Divination class, never to return, after Trelawney yet again predicts Harry's death one time too many, and describes Hermione's mind as "hopeless mundane."

Hermione's Time-Turner ends up being quite useful towards the end of the book, as she and Harry use it to save Buckbeak from his execution following his loss at the court hearing, and then to save Sirius Black from the dementors, being finally convinced he is in fact innocent.

Hermione's boggart for their DADA exam is Professor McGonagall telling her she's failed every class, to which she runs away screaming. Although amusing, it shows her fears and her insecurity about her grades, something that is shown again in Half-Blood Prince. At the end of the book, she drops Muggle Studies, allowing her to have a normal schedule.

Hermione does surprise Harry and Ron when, after hearing Malfoy make fun of a grief-stricken Hagrid, marches to him in rage and hits him right across the face. In the movie, Hermione responds to her punch with "That felt good," to which Ron replies, "Not good, brilliant."

Goblet of Fire:

Hermione in book 4 becomes aware of what she believes is the poor quality of life for house-elves. As a result, she starts the Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare, but becomes much more known by the unfortunate acronym, SPEW. Hermione is incredibly zealous of her work, but fails to get people to take interest. She badgers Harry and Ron to buy SPEW badges, which they do only to make her shut up about it.

After Ron and Harry become estranged, Harry and Hermione hang out more than usual, and although "Harry liked Hermione very much, she just wasn't the same as Ron." Hermione does help Harry practice the Summoning Charm, which he uses to successfully complete the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament.

Hermione goes to the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum, the champion from the rival school of Durmstrang. This elicits jealousy from Ron, which is not the first time romantic tension between Ron and Hermione is implied. Before when Ron saw that Hermione's front teeth had been reduced to more normal size, he remarked that she looked different. Later he noted that she was a girl, which she mocked him for only just noticing. When he suggest she come with either him or Harry to the ball, she rejects him by telling him that she's already been asked by someone else, to which he thinks she's joking, and she continues to refuse telling him who her date is. When Ron asks his sister Ginny Weasley she refuses to tell, and this annoys Ron. When he sees her at the Yule Ball, having made herself up beautifully with her hair set in an elegant chignon and wearing soft periwinkle-blue robes that suit her admirably, on the arm of Viktor Krum, Ron loses control of himself and viciously accuses Hermione of "fraternising with the enemy." Hermione and Ron get into a fight, which ends with Hermione shouting that if Ron wants to take her to a dance, he should ask her from the getgo and not as a last resort. This is completely unrelated to their fight, and stuns Ron, as he is not yet aware of his feelings towards Hermione. Ron insists he is not jealous and that Hermione misunderstood.

Hermione is the "victim" for Krum to rescue for the Second Task, an event that has many giving Hermione grief and gets her irritated. Krum asks Hermione afterwards if she wants to go with him on a holiday, something which Rita Skeeter of the Daily Prophet overhears and prints in the paper, claiming she broke Harry's heart. Mrs. Weasley reads this in the paper and her relationship with Hermione temporarily cools, but is re-established when Harry tells Mrs. Weasley that Hermione is not his girlfriend. Hermione becomes furious at Rita Skeeter and vows to find out how she learned of Krum's request. She finally learns that Rita is an illegal Animagus who can transform into a beetle. She captures Rita and blackmails her with this information, getting her to stop writing for the Prophet.

Order of the Phoenix:

In book 5, Hermione stays at 13 Grimmauld Place, the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, with the Weasleys. When she and Ron reunite with a moody and temperamental Harry after being confined to the Dursleys nearly all summer, he loses his temper, causing Hermione to break down in tears, showing how much she cares for Harry.

Hermione and Ron are made prefects for Gryffindor, to Hermione's rule-abiding delight. Their duties include patrolling the Hogwarts Express and guiding first-year Gryffindors to their common room. They gain entry to the prefect carriage of the Express and luxurious prefect bathrooms. Hermione continues SPEW, attempting to free the Hogwarts house-elves by knitting hats and leaving them everywhere in the common room. The house-elves refuse to clean the common room because of this, leaving Dobby to happily collect all the hats and clean the common room. She also tries to befriend Kreacher, the surly old house-elf in Grimmauld Place who listens way too much to a portrait of Sirius's mother and believes much the same way as the Malfoy's do. She tries to compliment Kreacher, and Kreacher calls her a Mudblood at one point. This does not deter Hermione however.

Luna Lovegood is introduced in this book, who according to J.K. Rowling, is "the anti-Hermione. Hermione’s so logical and inflexible in so many ways and Luna is likely to believe 10 impossible things before breakfast." However, they do become friends and comrades when Luna is one of the few to support Harry by joining the DA and aiding the Trio during the climax of the book.

Hermione is seen in the book writing a letter to Krum, much to Ron's dismay. Her blackmail of Rita Skeeter proves useful when she has Rita interview Harry concerning Harry's experience in the graveyard in the previous book and Voldemort's return. and publish it in the Quibbler, which is published by Luna's father. She also comes up with the idea of Dumbledore's Army and that Harry lead it. While trying to convince Harry to start and lead it, she actually says "Voldemort," an admirable first for her. She manages to produce a corporeal Patronus in the form of an otter, which is Rowling's favorite animal.

In the climax of the book, she is involved in the battle at the Department of Mysteries. Despite being severely injured, after taking 10 different types of potions a day, she makes a full recovery.

Half-Blood Prince:

Book 6 marks a notable change in Hermione's character. As a full-blown teenager in darker and more dangerous times, her flaws and insecurities become more visible than ever.

She stays at the Burrow during the summer, where she receives her OWL results. Before receiving them, however, she panics and claims she knows she failed everything. Her fears, however, are unfounded, as she gets ten "Outstandings" and one "Exceeds Expectations"; however, she is disappointed for not getting eleven "Outstandings," which is understandable considering she is used to getting perfect grades and studies hard for them. While staying with the Weasley's, she once again encounters Fleur Delacour, the champion in the Triwizard Tournament for Beauxbatons. Fleur is now engaged to Bill Weasley, and Hermione's dislike for Fleur, which started in book 4, deepens with prolonged exposure to her presence, something that she shares with most of the rest of the Weasley clan, sans Ron, who is still taken aback by her.

Hermione is invited by Professor Slughorn to join the Slughorn due to her extraordinary academic talent. Ironically, as Harry describes Hermione to Slughorn in an earlier encounter as "the best in our year", she is outperformed by Harry in Potions due to the fact that he has access to the Half-Blood Prince's old textbook. She becomes increasingly bitter and furious towards Harry for using the book to advance himself in Potions, as she believes the Prince is a shady character and believes Harry is being academically dishonest for using the book.

Hermione and Ron have yet another falling out in this book. They had been progressing well when Hermione asked Ron to Slughorn's Christmas party; however, after hearing Ginny speak that Hermione kissed Krum, he is hurt and jealous, and beings dating (and unabashedly kissing) Lavender Brown, leaving Hermione heart-broken, distraught, and confused--she doesn't know why Ron is angry with her, as her kiss with Krum was two years ago and Hermione has no idea Ron knows about it. Hoping to get even, she takes Cormac McLaggen (writer's note: git) to the party instead, but it backfires as Cormac spends most of the night talking about him and Quidditch and Hermione eventually spends the rest of the night hiding from him, while he stands hopefully under mistletoe.

During this time, it becomes clear that, although Hermione and Luna are worlds apart, have some sort of mutual acceptance of each other, as Luna at one point comforts Hermione after Ron has been rude to her.

Hermione and Ron's relationship worsens when she catches Ron kissing Lavender and she casts a spell sending a flock of birds towards Ron. Their relationship however, improves when Ron becomes poisoned. She gets fearfully upset and quietly reconciles with him. From this point, Ron trys to avoid Lavender, and eventually Lavender breaks up with Ron after seeing him and Hermione walking down the stairs alone (they were actually accompanied by Harry, however he was under his Invisibility Cloak) from the boys' dormitory a few weeks later. Hermione is noticibly delighted with Ron's break-up, as is Ron himself.

Near the end of the book, at Harry's request, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville, and Ginny, the only members of Dumbledore's Army that responded to Harry's call, are sent to monitor Hogwarts--specifically Snape and Malfoy. Their efforts half pay off in that they are able to alert the members of the Order of the Phoenix, who themselves are patrolling the corridors for Death Eaters lurking in the castle, however they are unable to prevent Dumbledore's death. They themselves barely survive the battle with the Death Eaters, thanks to the Felix Felicis Harry gave them. This battle has become known as the Battle of Hogwarts.

At the end of the book, both Hermione and Ron tell Harry they're sticking with him and will help him find the other Horcruxes and go wherever he goes, even if it means leaving Hogwarts.


Hermione is actually the oldest of the Trio; it was assumed for years she was born in September 1980, the same year as Ron and Harry. However, J.K. Rowling pointed out that to attend Hogwarts, one must be eleven years old, and Hermione's birthday was in 1979, therefore making her nearly twelve when she started at Hogwarts in September of 1991.

Hermione's surname was originally "Puckle" but was quickly changed by Rowling because it didn't suit her. "Puckle" is a term for a goblin or elf.

Hermione's middle name, "Jane," has never been mentioned in the books, only on Rowling's official site. Curiously, this is also Umbridge's middle name.

Rowling has admitted that Hermione is "a bit like" herself when she was younger.

Hermione's wand is made of vine wood with a dragon heartstring core. Each of the Trio's wands have one of Ollivander's preferred cores: phoenix feather (Harry), unicorn hair (Ron) and dragon heartstring (Hermione). Her wand's wood, vine, is the wood ascribed to her birth month by the Celtic calendar.

Hermione's patronus is an otter, Rowling's favorite animal.

Many main characters of the series have had either their first name or last name altered in the Dutch translations of the books. Hermione Granger is among the few to have both changed; she is known in the Netherlands as Hermelien Griffel.

Source: EmmaWatson.Us

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